At first, I didn't even think of a combination of animation and cars! The technology of Japan made it happen!(at least that's what I think) I noticed the cars at Anime Festival Asia and found out that they are called Itasha( 痛車). I even took a few pictures of them!
After the festival, I saw Danny(a famous anime blogger) making a show called ‘Culture Japan : by Danny Choo’ at Animax(channel 532). He introduced Itasha at an Autosalone (あうとさろーね-an Itasha oriented convention).
I got more interested in Itasha and did some research. The cars are decorated with animation stickers. These characters are predominately ‘cute’ female characters. Itasha have also participated in various real motor sport events. The process of making an Itasha is tedious and needed a lot of skill. The stickers itself are not cheap, around US$165 per piece. The people, who ‘beautify’ their cars, used to decorate the inside of a car mostly, but it’s getting popular to decorate not only inside, but also the body of the car.
If I had a lot of money to spare(that’s when I earn lots and lots of money in the future-that’s one of my ambition), I might buy an Itasha, so I could show off to my friends and tell them(non-verbally), which was/were my favourite character(s). I might also drive it to Anime Festival, as it suits to the theme-anime. Although it is not very appropriate to drive it around the town, but I would buy it for that solely for that purpose (before I could think of any more).